1647 Trained in how to win souls Oct29


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1647 Trained in how to win souls

Thanks for loving ‘The One’

We have now trained over 1647 people in how to do street evangelism which is exciting.

Of course, we could not have done any of this without your willingness to be trained and come out with us onto the streets of your city or town. If you had not chosen to love the one sheep who Christ loves and cared enough to overcome your nervousness about going out onto the streets and sharing your faith, we would not be able to celebrate this landmark breakthrough.

The impact of what we are doing cannot be over exaggerated. We are truly on the verge of one of the greatest outpourings of the Spirt we have seen in our lifetimes. I hope you will continue to pray for us and hold us before heaven.

I simply wish to wish to highlight our prayer needs. I also want you to know that we will be giving all our supporters an opportunity to join us next year (on a date to be determined) to understand how you can be part of The Turning national plan going forwards.

Today Father told me that his outpouring and grace is simply one of many that he is about to pour out on the Earth. I am so excited. I Am meditating on the implications of what He means.

In the meantime, don’t give up on loving the lost. Stay soaking in Fathers presence, it’s the only way to maintain the change of heart needed to sustain our new-found love. The Gate church had been practicing soaking for 10 years before this outpouring came. Those who seek him are rewarded.

Sue Winyard

Things to pray for

The outreach to Leicester starting on the 6th of November

Pray for our outreach to Lille starting last two weeks in November

Pray for Sue Winyard the national coordinator for the Turning and the rest of the team.

Pray for The Gate church

Pray for the city teams that are being established in Liverpool, Southampton and south of Oxford

Yinka Oyekan

Leader The Turning

Senior Minister of The Gate, Reading.